Hele ferieboligen·Privat vert

PÅ SJØEN! Bare par! Privat-naturlig-rolig-eksepsjonelt og eksklusivt

Bildegalleri av PÅ SJØEN! Bare par! Privat-naturlig-rolig-eksepsjonelt og eksklusivt

Overnattingsstedets uteområder
Utvendig detalj


10 av 10 –

Hele ferieboligen

1 soverom1 badPlass til 2 personer65 m²

Populære fasiliteter

  • Basseng
  • Boblebad
  • Parkering tilgjengelig
  • Frokost tilgjengelig
  • Air conditioning
  • Kjøkken

Om dette overnattingsstedet

Hele stedet

Du vil få hele huset for deg selv, og kommer kun til å måtte dele plassen med de andre gjestene du reiser sammen med.

PÅ SJØEN! Bare par! Privat-naturlig-rolig-eksepsjonelt og eksklusivt

Slutt på 2019-salg - Alle åpne datoer mellom nå og 31. desember 2019 er bare 175 USD / natt!

Vær oppmerksom på at når du bruker VRBO-reservasjonsplattformen, er gjestene ansvarlige for VRBO-avgiftene og eventuelle betalingsgebyrer. Leiebetalinger er for leie, og vi ønsker at det ble gjort litt tydeligere på denne plattformen.

*** Hvis datoene dine er bestilt, vennligst vet at vi administrerer totalt 4 private eiendommer på sjøen på eksklusive Cas Abou! 3 andre villaer på bakken, også! Bare spør!


1) Cas Abou-området er et etablert lokalt og internasjonalt nabolag. Det eksklusive fokuset er ro, natur og personvern. Det er ikke et "up and coming" nabolag, vi har allerede kommet!

2) Cas Abou er omgitt av Banda Abou-regionen på vår dushi Curacao! De beste isolerte og / eller betjente strendene på øya. Massevis av spisealternativer inkludert lokale, internasjonale og fine. Det er den uoppdagede perlen fra under radaren Curacao! Ekte Karibia uten turister og trafikk.

3) Med 350+ anmeldelser over 8 års erfaring med å ta vare på gjestene våre, er Seaside Curacao det eneste valget for nyttige råd og støtte før i løpet av ferien. Vårt lille team setter veldig pris på verdien av ferien din, og vi tar sikte på å være ambassadører til øya vår.

Vær så snill å lese anmeldelser og kommentarer, og vi ser frem til å vise deg en eksepsjonell ferie! - Seaside Don

Ingen overraskelser! Sjekk disse vurderingene!

Beste solnedganger og PÅ. DE. HAV. Privat, naturlig og spektakulært!

Sjekk disse anmeldelsene og videoene! Ekte, unik hytte ved sjøen med skritt ut i sjøen! Det handler om å være privat og omgitt av natur. PÅ SJØEN!

Nå tilgjengelig ... Eierens velholdte SUV, kajakker, private massasjer, privat kokk, guidede dykk .... full service for å overgå forventningene og gå med enestående utsikt!

Beachside, cliffside, private solnedganger over de karibiske 365 settene i året!

300 ft2 inne, 200 ft2 overbygd terrasse og 250 ft2 åpent dekk - alt ett nivå. Eier laget glassmalerier og kunstprosjekter for å sette scenen.

Denne kystutleien har daglig gratis inngang til den globale topp ti Cas Abou-stranden når du også leier hyttebilen! Det er rett rundt hjørnet! Og vi har 2 fine strandstoler, strandmatte og en kjøligere, slik at du ikke trenger å leie dem heller!

Helt unikt på hele øya! Sjøsiden, klippehøy, effektiv hytte perfekt for en singel eller et par som ønsker å nyte rå natur i privatlivet. Bygget med tre-dekk med glass, skyggelagt terrasse med dagseng, uteplass / hengekøye ved sjøen og innfødte hager. Full luftkondisjon når vinden ikke blåser, innendørs og utendørs takvifter, gasskomfyr, mikrobølgeovn, brødrister, kaffetrakter, benkeplate, kjøleskap / fryser ... Og gassgrill!

Føl passasjevindene, lytt til havet og nyt å være en av de beste og private, naturlige omgivelsene på øya! Gå ned trinnene rett til ditt private husrev for bading, snorkling, dykking eller bare for en øl og en flottør! Dette sunne skjæret har fantastisk biologisk mangfold og inkluderer mantråler, flekkete ørnestråler (pass på dem om morgenen!) og en og annen delfinpod!

Denne hytta er rett og slett spektakulær! Det handler om å komme tilbake til naturen. Soloppganger med flamingoer, papegøyer, pelikaner og trupialer ... Bli kvitt solbrune linjer i privatlivet ... Svøm / snorkle / dykk / kajakk utforske strender og bakveier i løpet av dagen ... Måltider ute i vinden, solnedganger i verdensklasse og om natten ... Kos deg med utrolige månelandskap og se på konstellasjoner krysse himmelen! Ikke til å tro!

For morgenbad, snorkling, kajakk eller dykk er det bare å gå ned trinnene og der er du! Privat strand grenser til den ene siden av eiendommen, en annen isolert strand bare en kort svømmetur (eller 60 sekunders gange) den andre retningen og verdensklasse cas abou strand for de som liker en lengre svømmetur (eller 60 sekunders bilkjøring). Kos deg med kaffen i vinden når pelikanene går forbi. Se på delfiner fra dekk eller hengekøye! Denne hytta er ren r & r ;! (hold kontakten med raskt trådløst og skype vennene dine ved solnedgang! Ingen tv!)

Vi har nettopp lagt til en dokkingstasjon i mediasonen, så ikke glem melodiene!

Privat utendørs dusj med skyggefullt område for massasjetjenesten over havet! ... Ba-ooo!

Cas Abou-samfunnet er privat, inngjerdet, naturlig, rolig og stille. Sentralt plassert mellom sentrum (25 minutter) og vestpunt (25 minutter) er Cas Abou den beste fra begge verdener og perfekt beliggenhet for din øy-bortfaring.

6 restauranter / strand-snack shacks og shopping innen 10 minutter!

Inkludert i leie:

24-7 hjelp med hva som helst!
Velkommen flaske med bobler!
Badekar og badehåndklær
midtbesøk raskt rengjøring med skift av håndkle og lin
Normalt vann og elektrisk bruk

INGEN overraskelser, bare den gode tjenesten som våre anmeldelser og omdømme er bygd på. Vi vil at du skal ha en flott tur!

Profesjonelle servicealternativer inkluderer:

Bruk av hyttebil
Privat kokk
Privat massasje
Private guider for land- og sjøeventyr
Private seil charter
Private fiske charterturer

Enkel betaling med PayPal.

*** Med Don and Seaside Curacao kan du forvente det absolutt beste innen profesjonell, tydelig og betimelig kommunikasjon med all oppmerksomhet for å sikre en eksepsjonell ferie! Vi setter stor pris på de gode vurderingene av hytta vår, takk! Vår jobb er å sørge for at du har en flott ferie!

Overnattingsstedets bestyrer

Seaside Don

Språk som snakkes


Velg datoer for å se priser

Overnattingsstedets fasiliteter


  • På stranden
  • Solsenger
  • Strandhåndklær


  • Badstue
  • Boblebad
  • Massasje
  • Privat basseng
  • Utendørsbasseng


  • Tilgjengelig i cottagen: wi-fi (inkludert)

Parkering og transport

  • Bil er påkrevd
  • Parkering på stedet


  • Brødrister
  • Hurtigmikser
  • Kaffetrakter/tekoker
  • Kjøkkenutstyr
  • Kjøkkenøy
  • Kjøleskap
  • Komfyrtopp
  • Krydder
  • Mikrobølgeovn
  • Papirhåndklær
  • Stekeovn
  • Vannkoker


  • Frokost er tilgjengelig mot betaling
  • Kokketjeneste
  • Spisebord


  • Sengetøy
  • Soverom


  • 1 bad
  • Dusj
  • Håndklær (inkludert)
  • Hårføner
  • Toalettpapir
  • Utedusj


  • Spisebord
  • Stue


  • Bøker
  • Kabel-/satellittkanaler
  • Spill


  • Balkong
  • Grill
  • Hage
  • Utemøbler


  • Vaskeri i nærheten


  • Air conditioning


  • Ingen kjæledyr tillatt


  • Hvis du har tilgjengelighetsbehov, må du kontakte overnattingsstedet via kontaktopplysningene i bestillingsbekreftelsen du mottok etter bestilling.
  • Overnattingssted med kun én etasje
  • Røykeområde
  • Informasjon fra verten: Only outside.

Tjenester og bekvemmeligheter

  • Concierge-tjenester
  • Matleveringstjeneste
  • Rengjøring (begrenset tilgjengelighet)
  • Safe
  • Strykejern/-brett


  • Nær havet
  • Ved vannet


  • Golf
  • Kajakk
  • Vannsportutstyr
  • Dykking i nærheten
  • Fiske i nærheten
  • Fjellklatring i nærheten
  • Fugletitting i nærheten
  • Golfbane i nærheten
  • Hesteridning i nærheten
  • Kajakkpadling i nærheten
  • Kasino i nærheten
  • Naturvandringer i nærheten
  • Snorkling i nærheten
  • Svømming i nærheten
  • Terrengsykling i nærheten
  • Tubekjøring i nærheten
  • Tur-/sykkelstier i nærheten
  • Turer med motorbåt i nærheten
  • Økoturer i nærheten


  • Ingen karbonmonoksidalarm (verten har oppgitt at det ikke finnes noen karbonmonoksidalarm på overnattingsstedet, men at stedet har gassdrevne apparater, så det kan være lurt å ta med en selv)
  • Ingen røykvarsler (verten har oppgitt at det ikke finnes noen røykvarsler på overnattingsstedet)
  • Førstehjelpsskrin
  • Brannslukningsapparat
  • Lås med låsefalle


  • Beliggenhet på en resort
  • Boenhetens størrelse: 65 kvadratmeter
  • Hage
  • Kunnskapsformidling om lokal kultur og lokale økosystemer
  • Lokaleide og -organiserte turer, omvisninger og aktiviteter
  • Overnattingsstedet tillater ikke barn
  • Renseanlegg for gråvann
  • Resirkulering
  • Utstilling med lokale kunstnere
  • Vanneffektive dusjer
  • Vanneffektive toaletter
  • Vindenergi

Lignende overnattingssteder



Innsjekking fra kl. 16.00
Kontaktløs innsjekking er tilgjengelig


Utsjekking før kl. 10.00
Kontaktløs utsjekking er tilgjengelig

Spesielle innsjekkingsinstruksjoner

Du får en e-post fra verten med instruksjoner for innsjekking og utsjekking


Kjæledyr er ikke tillatt

Barn og ekstrasenger

Barn har ikke adgang til dette overnattingsstedet

Viktig informasjon

Viktig å vite

Dette overnattingsstedet forvaltes av en privat vert (som ikke har som jobb å tilby overnattingstjenester). EUs forbrukerlovgivning, inkludert retten til å trekke seg fra kjøpet, gjelder derfor ikke for bestillingen din. Det er den private vertens avbestillingsregler som gjelder.
Det kan pålegges avgifter for ekstra personer, og denne avgiften kan variere avhengig av overnattingsstedets egne regler
Legitimasjon med bilde utstedt av offentlig myndighet samt kredittkort, debetkort eller depositum i kontanter kan være påkrevd ved innsjekking, i tilfelle det skulle oppstå uforutsette utgifter
Spesielle forespørsler avhenger av tilgjengelighet ved innsjekking og kan koste ekstra. Spesielle forespørsler kan ikke garanteres oppfylt
Det er ikke tillatt å arrangere fester eller andre arrangementer på stedet
Dette overnattingsstedet bruker vindenergi samt et gjenvinningssystem for gråvann
Verten har oppgitt at det ikke finnes noen karbonmonoksidalarm på overnattingsstedet, men at stedet har gassdrevne apparater, så det kan være lurt å ta med en selv
Verten har oppgitt at det ikke finnes noen røykvarsler på overnattingsstedet
Overnattingsstedet har sikkerhetstiltak som brannslukningsapparat, førstehjelpsskrin og reilelås
Dette overnattingsstedet administreres gjennom vår samarbeidspartner Vrbo. Du får en e-post fra Vrbo med en link til en Vrbo-konto der du kan endre eller avbestille bestillingen din.

Verdt å nevne

Det er nødvendig med bil for å komme seg til og fra dette overnattingsstedet

Overnattingsstedet er også kjent som

ON Sea Couples Private-natural-tranquil-exceptional Exclusive

Om området

Cas Abou, Banda Abou

Hva som finnes i nærheten

  • Daaibooi Beach - 15 min kjøring - 12.1 km
  • Porto Marie-stranden - 17 min kjøring - 13.1 km
  • Cas Abao strand - 18 min kjøring - 2.4 km
  • Santa Martha Beach - 28 min kjøring - 12.2 km
  • Blue Bay - 30 min kjøring - 25.7 km


  • Willemstad (CUR-Hato internasjonale lufthavn) - 25 min kjøring


  • ‪Landhuis Klein Santa Martha - ‬11 min kjøring
  • ‪Cas Abao Beach Bar - ‬4 min kjøring
  • ‪Karakter - ‬18 min kjøring
  • ‪Koraal Rooftop Terrace - ‬18 min kjøring
  • ‪Marshe di Barber - ‬10 min kjøring

Ofte stilte spørsmål

Har PÅ SJØEN! Bare par! Privat-naturlig-rolig-eksepsjonelt og eksklusivt basseng?

Ja, dette overnattingsstedet har et utendørsbasseng.

Er det tillatt med kjæledyr på PÅ SJØEN! Bare par! Privat-naturlig-rolig-eksepsjonelt og eksklusivt?

Nei, kjæledyr er ikke tillatt på dette overnattingsstedet.

Når kan man sjekke inn på PÅ SJØEN! Bare par! Privat-naturlig-rolig-eksepsjonelt og eksklusivt?

Innsjekkingen begynner kl. 16.00.

Når må man sjekke ut på PÅ SJØEN! Bare par! Privat-naturlig-rolig-eksepsjonelt og eksklusivt?

Utsjekkingstidspunktet er kl. 10.00.

Hvor ligger PÅ SJØEN! Bare par! Privat-naturlig-rolig-eksepsjonelt og eksklusivt?

Denne cottagen ligger ved stranden i Bisento, 2,2 kilometer unna Cas Abao strand og 10 kilometer unna Manzalina Beach og Shon Mosa Beach. Dessuten ligger Daaibooi Beach og Santa Martha Beach 15 kilometer unna.

Anmeldelser av ON THE SEA! Couples only! Private-Natural-Tranquil-Exceptional and Exclusive




Rangering på 10 − Utmerket. 68 av totalt 69 anmeldelser.
Rangering på 8 − Bra. 0 av totalt 69 anmeldelser.
Rangering på 6 − Grei. 0 av totalt 69 anmeldelser.
Rangering på 4 − Dårlig. 0 av totalt 69 anmeldelser.
Rangering på 2 − Forferdelig. 1 av totalt 69 anmeldelser.




10/10 – Utmerket

Shannon H.

Likte: Renhold
Incredible views!
We had an amazing stay at Ba-ooo! The ocean views were awesome! It was great waking up to the view and lots of birds visiting. The location couldn’t be beat to tour the west side of the island. However the best snorkeling was just off the property and to the left towards Cas Abou. Don and Angie were great. We’d definitely stay here again.
Bodde her 6 netter i mars 2025

10/10 – Utmerket

Chad C.

Likte: Renhold
Amazing oceanfront bungaloo in Curacao
My wife and I just returned from Curacao after a week stay at this amazing oceanfront cottage. First, the pictures do not do it justice. All pictures are accurate. It is directly on the water. The oceanfront plunge pool was great and we watched multiple sunsets from there. We did scuba diving right off the property and saw 2 octopi, squids, numerous fish and eels. The place was perfect size of us, king size bed, shower with great water pressure (a plus for me), and a full kitchen. The host was very communicative. Gave great recommendations.Would highly recommend.
Bodde her 7 netter i januar 2025

10/10 – Utmerket

Ryan K.

Beautiful bungalow
It was such a special experience my husband planned for my 40th birthday. The bungalow was so neat, with local art and eclectic touches. Dons place is the best lot in the subdivision. I enjoyed my morning coffee with the sunrise, the private chef Don reconnected to my husband for birthday dinner and swimming from our place to the beach around the corner.
Bodde her 4 netter i januar 2025

10/10 – Utmerket

erica l.

Likte: Renhold
First (but not last) stay at this gem by the Sea
The summary of the place was absolutely accurate. We walked in and it looked exactly like the pictures. We were so thrilled with the location. The inside is small but perfectly functional. HUGE canopy bed with a comfortable mattress, washroom with shower and a smaller kitchen w all the needed amenities. We cooked and lived outside though. The outdoor grill worked great. We got groceries near the airport on the way there and were impressed with the Centrum store. The beef and fish were less expensive then home! The best part of the place was the huge outdoor deck that overlooked the sea. Absolutely beautiful views. We saw some people complained about seeing cruise ships but they are only occasional and miles away! Kind of enjoyed watching them. We even saw a sea turtle one morning from the deck. The birds became our little friends. We are not sun worshippers and when it got hot, we would just move under the canopy or go down to the private pool/covered terrace. Spent two full days there! beautiful breeze off the ocean to cool down. When in the pool you felt like you were almost in the ocean it was so close. And we snorkelled every day right off the dock. I scuba dive and have dove in many places around the world - was totally impressed with the reef, drop off, abundance and variety of fish there. There is a private beach just next door which was pretty cool. Also a paid beach resort if you feel like that vibe also 2 minute drive. We will return!
Bodde her 4 netter i desember 2024

10/10 – Utmerket

Crystal G.

Likte: Renhold
Casa Baooo is Divine
This was our first trip to Curaçao, and we really got lucky booking this property. The view is stellar, the top floor has a terrace overlooking the sea with sunsets that are out of this world. The terrace has a bistro set, lounge chairs, and a couch… plenty of areas to lounge and enjoy. There is also a dining table out there for meals set to the sound of the waves crashing. It’s perfect. If you take the stone steps down to the sea, there is a lovely palapa next to a private infinity pool, with a discrete outdoor shower behind it. We watched the crabs, iguanas, and birds while we enjoyed the sea, went snorkeling, and then bounced back to the pool. Stellar! The property was great, but the property management was TOP-TIER! Seaside Don and Angie helped me plan the perfect 50th for my wife. I felt so comfortable, as Don responded immediately after my booking with what my wife and I started calling “The Bible”! Everything I needed to plan our trip was in the documents he sent over. There were also additional services (decorations when we arrived with personalized messaging, dinner delivery on arrival, stocked fridge service, birthday cakes provided, responding to my constant emails with questions, etc.) that added the extra personal touches that made it so special! I cannot recommend this place / team enough — 10/10!!!
Bodde her 9 netter i juni 2024

2/10 – Forferdelig

Phil P.

Likte ikke: Renhold
hate leaving bad reviews, but it's been earned.
owner wants all correspondence via email,not vrbo. seems shady.and he is rude in these emails.he showed up after we'd been there for an hour to show us around, we were in the middle of dressing for dinner.there is no lock on the actual door or any of the windows.don insists its a "safe neighborhood".he entered the rental we paid too much for to turn off the a/c while we were at dinner and sent 2 snotty emails. one stating folks don't read these days and the other stating he would talk to us in the am.the place was very dust and dirty.way too much clutter to keep clean.the net over bed was gross.don welcomes himself onto property at will with no notice. we were in the pool when he decided to come on over to water the plants. we could have been naked for all he knows.i told him to give notice next time,got a snotty email about that too. out door shower is basically a spigot sticking out of the wall with a dirty shower curtain. received 1 bath and 1 beach towel each and when we asked for fresh on day 4,we're told tomorrow.but we'll do it a day early. if you need more, it's $20 (for ratty old towels).sheets had a hole in them, bedspread had something white and crusty on it.shower overflows and is basically a wet bathroom.hole in the shutters in br just big enough to take a peek.mattress cover is a blow up that don boasts he spent $500 on.u can get a blow up for 70 at the store down the road. no window curtains for privacy,don't expect to sleep in.1500 characters isnt enough.
Bodde her 7 netter i april 2024

10/10 – Utmerket

Barbara G.

Likte: Renhold
Heaven on Earth
The property was truly paradise. We enjoyed every moment of our stay. The house and the outside living space was perfect for two people. The views from the patio were beyond magnificent. We enjoyed 2 morning hikes with Angie. We loved exploring this beautiful island with her. She shared so much interesting information with us. Prior to our arrival, Don provided us with detail information, extremely helpful. Don was very quick to respond to any need that may arise, no matter how small. Don and Angie are fabulous hosts. We parted with so many fond memories. We highly recommend this property to other quests.
Bodde her 8 netter i april 2024

10/10 – Utmerket


Bodde her 4 netter i januar 2024

10/10 – Utmerket

Leendert H.

Likte: Renhold
Fantastic location
This small cottage is just what you need when you want to relax in a private way. No children, just the sounds of the waves and the birds. And those views! Everything you need is there. Don't expect luxury here though, but what else do you need? Finally, Don and Angie are so helpful in making your stay wonderful. Thank you!
Bodde her 4 netter i desember 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Todd C. og Chicago

Likte: Renhold
Perfect Place to Get Away From it All
Beautiful location. Watched sunsets every night, perfect weather, peaceful. Enjoyed our stay very much. Don was accessible and his place had everything we needed. If you need some downtime stay here.
Bodde her 7 netter i november 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Brittany T.

Likte: Renhold
Stop and Click “Book Now”
I want SO badly to keep this place our little secret because it is that AMAZING but that would be such a disservice to Don and Angie. We absolutely loved every minute of our stay - even when the whole island lost power for a few hours. Don and Angie are wonderful hosts - very communicative and knowledgeable. Read your welcome packet and take their suggestions - everything from restaurants to beaches and everything in between that they suggested was top notch! You don’t need to leave the house unless you want to because it literally has everything. The bed was comfortable, the views were spectacular, and the experience was unforgettable. Some of our best snorkeling was right out from the house. We are sitting in the airport heading home writing this review and trying to figure out when we can come back!
Bodde her 5 netter i juni 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Thomas G.

Likte: Renhold
Perfect Location and Excellent Communication
This is the oerfect location for snorkeling/swimming. Calm crystal clear water! Don was awesome to work with and communicates well! We had a blast!
Bodde her 4 netter i juni 2023

10/10 – Utmerket


Likte: Renhold
We had an incredible stay at Ba-ooo. The views from the deck were breathtaking and the perfect spot to watch the tropical birds and the sunsets. The decor and artistic detail put into the cottage was beautiful. The cottage was well stocked with everything we needed for our stay. We also enjoyed using the lower deck palapa and pool area. It was great to have some of the best snorkeling right at our doorstep. Don was very helpful and all of his restaurant, hiking and sight-seeing recommendations were spot-on. We can't wait to return!
Bodde her 5 netter i mai 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Jennifer Y.

Likte: Renhold
Stop looking, stay here!
Upon entering, your first view is looking out over the deck at the impossibly blue waters of the Caribbean. The deck faces west, so every evening you have a private, front seat view of the sunset. One word of caution, once the sun goes down the sand flies do make an appearance. If you tend to attract mosquitos or the like, I recommend bug spray (which is provided in the cabin – along with anything else you might require). The highlight is when you descend the steps adjacent to the property down to the water’s edge. There you have your own private infinity style jump pool meters from the ocean. Pictures do not do it justice. A few more stone steps provide access to the ocean, for swimming/snorkeling or the like, all in your little private bay. Also, along the way to the pool is an outdoor shower, which let’s face it, is pretty awesome. The bed was firm, which I personally loved, but it sounds as though you can request extra foam if that is a concern. The living area is small but comfortable. It is a studio style space, with a kitchenette and single bathroom. Books and games are provided to enjoy during your stay. There was a local cat and several iguanas that come by from time to time which we loved. Don was having some work performed on the property while we were there, which is obviously necessary for maintaining a property such as this. That being said, Don obviously cares deeply about his properties. He made a point to stop by the first day to say hello and was immediately responsive to any questions or concerns that we had, while also respecting your privacy. Even after we left his property, Don continued to give us great tips about things to check out on the island and was accommodating and helpful when we inadvertently left a few things and had to return to pick them up. Overall, can’t recommend enough. Beautiful place, beautiful people. Take some time to say hello. You won’t be disappointed.
Bodde her 6 netter i april 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Micah S.

Likte: Renhold
Great and Quiet Stay
What can I say...what a great play to stay! Don was a great host and very helpful but the highlight is the location and the house. It is in a beautiful location with AMAZING views, it has a private plunge pool, it has a private deck, and private Palapa! What is not to love! The house is within a easy drive to a lot of great beaches but it was nice to just come back at the end of the day and sit on the deck and watch the waves. ***On what could be purely preference, I do wish the bed was a bit softer but otherwise we loved our stay and defiantly would stay there again or at one of Don's other locations!***
Bodde her 5 netter i april 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Elisabeth G.

Likte: Renhold
Phenomenal Vacation
This was one of the best vacations we have ever had. The cottage was perfect -- clean, comfortable, and quiet. The sheets on the bed were especially soft and falling asleep to the sound of the waves was amazing. We spent lots of our time hanging out on the incredible deck: reading, napping, watching the sun set, playing cards, eating our meals. We snorkeled right from the cottage, soaked in the salt water pool, and watched the lizards, birds, and iguanas. The cottage itself is simply beautiful. Don is an artist and his work is everywhere throughout the property. His mosaics and stained glass pieces are amazing and add so much to the ambience of the space. Don and Angie were lovely and incredibly helpful. They had great restaurant, beach, and sight-seeing suggestions. Amazing, amazing, amazing. We cannot wait to return! THANK YOU!!!
Bodde her 7 netter i mars 2023

10/10 – Utmerket

Maggie M.

Likte: Renhold
Dream come true location!
My husband and I stayed at Cas Abou at the end of our honeymoon and it was perfect for us! We loved waking up to a view of the ocean and having coffee/breakfast on the beautiful, private deck. It is so easy and fun to just walk down the stairs to the ocean and snorkel with literally no one around! The private infinity pool was also AMAZING! Don and Angie were so welcoming and helpful with any recommendations and are very knowledgeable about the island. They make sure you have everything you need to just relax and enjoy, including towels, chairs, snorkeling gear, and even a cooler to take to the beach. Angie gave us great advise about visiting the blue room and it turned out to be our favorite island adventure! They also connected us with Anouk and Aldrick who came to Cas Abou for a couples massage right on the deck under the stars! The location of Cas Abou was also amazing. It is so relaxing and beautiful but you can easily get to restaurants, grocery store, etc.
Bodde her 4 netter i oktober 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

rebecca c. og Cape Neddick, Maine

Likte: Renhold
Booking again soon
This place was nothing short of AMAZING. Don and Angie are wonderful people who will take the best care of you. You truly have to come to this place to get the most surreal experience. Shower with hermit crabs, enjoy coffee with the birds and iguanas, house cats may join you for dinner. And crabs lurking in the Garden may scare the crap out of you when you return at nite, like they did me at least twice. But I loved it. Lol If you’re a wildlife fanatic who loves a nice easy vacation to the tropics, this is the place for you. Glowing with gratitude as we return from this one of a kind stay at Seaside Curacao. Thank you Angie and Don for all of the thoughtful and very helpful guidance, Amenities, and overall amazing accommodations. This one will Surely be hard to top.
Bodde her 7 netter i august 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Shawna W.

Likte: Renhold
Best views on the island
We were so pleased with our entire Stay. Don was super communicative before and during our stay. He provided an entire list of things to see and do which cut out hours of research as this was our first time here. We visited so many beautiful beaches, but both agree that the snorkeling and view from the property were the best of anywhere on the island. We rented a car and did so much exploring. One of our favorite vacations of all time. I can not say enough about this property and our experience.
Bodde her 6 netter i juli 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Frederick G.

Likte: Renhold
An excellent property and Angie and Don are excellent host with great communications skills.
Beautiful. We will go back.
Bodde her 8 netter i mai 2022

10/10 – Utmerket

Stephanie P.

Likte: Renhold
30TH Anniversary to Remember
This trip & and the accommodations will be very difficult to top! The amenities, views and snorkeling exceeded our expectations. Don was so acclimating & flexible. He even delivered a yoga mat for a session on the deck. His recommendation for a private chef also made for a very memorable night.
Bodde her 4 netter i september 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

Courtney S.

Likte: Renhold
Stunning, charming, and whimsical
Charming and whimsical house full of character and beautiful artwork. It had everything we needed for a relaxing day at “home” or a day trip to a nearby beach. The views are stunning! We really enjoyed our mornings on the deck drinking coffee and watching the beautiful array of birds fly by or soaking in the plunge pool overlooking the water. Don and Angie are amazing hosts! They provided so many details ahead of time to help plan our trip and were available to answer any questions that we had during our stay. They put so much thought and care into their properties to make your vacation a truly remarkable experience. If we return to Curacao, which we plan on doing, we will definitely stay at Casa Ba-ooo again!
Bodde her 4 netter i august 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

matthew s.

Likte: Renhold
Basically paradise
Not much to add that hasn’t already been said! The place is paradise and considerably more spectacular in person than photos can capture. Don and Angie are friendly, worldly, highly-available hosts. If you’re wondering, as I was, what the immediate surroundings are like: yes the house has properties on either side, but one side contains an unfinished villa and the other side is a tucked-away property managed by the same owner as this one. The place is totally private; any would-be sight lines to the neighbors are obscured by fences, geography, or foliage. It feels like your own slice of the island once you’re on the property; doesn’t even feel like it’s in a neighborhood at all. Totally unforgettable stay. The picturesque Carribbean experience we all daydream about.
Bodde her 7 netter i august 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

Corina R.

Likte: Renhold
This property is so lovely and couldn’t ask for a more perfect place to enjoy our honeymoon.
We were able to enjoy all this property had to offer and Don decorated his property so well you get the feeling you’re the only ones on an island.
Bodde her 4 netter i august 2021

10/10 – Utmerket

Michele W. og Aygyle, New York, USA

Likte: Renhold
Magical Stay
We can not say enough good things about the magical people, cottage and and island of Curaçao. Everything you need and with a view that will warm my heart though the rest of winter in upstate NY. Food was great a couple favorites were E Lanternu and Cactus Cafe, any smoothie bar. The snorkeling was amazing, best right in the bay at the cottage. Don and Angie are kind and knowledgeable, please ask and they will help you solve and make your stay enjoyable. Get some buzz aloe at the local pharmacy....helps with bugs. This was an all time favorite stay and that was even after returning home to find out I likely had pneumonia for most of the stay. We can not wait to return! Dushi Curaçao, Don and Angie! Shelly and Liz
Bodde her 7 netter i februar 2020